Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eligible Activities Update

After some reflection the WV Division of Energy has recognized that the purchase of Energy Star appliances does not sufficiently support the EE&CBG's program goal of reducing energy consumption in West Virginia's public buildings. WV DOE will not recognize the purchase of Energy Star appliances as a stand alone eligible activity. While WV DOE will not allow EE&CBG participation where purchase of Energy Star appliances is the sole activity, products identified as Energy Star may be used as part of other activities to achieve better energy efficiency and conservation. This allows the use of Energy Star products in HVAC and lighting upgrades, window/door replacement, and installation of insulation. Using a somewhat different rationale WV DOE has determined that roof replacement and installation of energy efficient toilets do not qualify as eligible activities. Please contact me if you have any questions about eligible activities.

Advice to Project Estimators

Local governments must use appropriate consultants or contractors to provide the technical and cost data that is central to the EE&CBG application. The quality of this information will directly impact a project's competitiveness when the PDC evaluates applications to recommend for funding. The PDC encourages local governments serious about seeking EE&CBG funds to engage qualified consultants (architects, engineers, or energy service companies) or very experienced contractors to provide the required information. An investment in these services will be rewarded with a more competitive application. It is important that these consultants/contractors provide more than a cost estimate. Applications that lack documentation of the project's energy impact will not fair well in the evaluation process. The The PDC has prepared a fact sheet titled Advice to Individuals and Firms Providing Estimates that is meant to give a better understanding of the EE&CBG features that will impact cost. You will find a link to the fact sheet in the right hand column. We urge you to provide this information to those working on your project.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Region 8 PDC Technical Assistance

Slightly more than two months remain before local governments must submit applications seeking funds to make energy efficiency and conservation improvements to their buildings. While the EE&CBG application is fairly simple, the program requires technical data to document energy impacts and accurate cost estimates. Local governments must seek comments from the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) before submitting applications to the Region 8 PDC. It will take time to obtain SHPO comments and to develop technical data and cost estimates. Local governments must start their applications very soon if they are to have competitive applications.

If requested, the Region 8 PDC will provide assistance to local governments seeking EE&CBG funds. The PDC's staff will complete application forms using technical and cost information provided by consultants/contractors. The PDC can also seek comments from the SHPO. The Region 8 PDC anticipates that several local governments will need assistance. Local governments needing the PDC's assistance should immediately request help by contacting Delaying this request will adversely impact the PDC's ability to provide assistance and may even preclude meaningful help. Local governments not needing help from the PDC are encouraged to contact the PDC so that all projects can be tracked by the PDC. This will allow the PDC to provide accurate information to the WV DOE and will insure that all governments have the most current program information.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Building Assessment Webinar April 23

WVU's Industrial Assessment Center will hold a webinar on the EE&CBG Building Assessment Questionnaire on April 23 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The Region 8 PDC will host a viewing site for the webinar at its office in Petersburg. You may register for the PDC site by sending an email to: Please note that access sites are very limited and the Region 8 PDC will host the only viewing site in the Potomac Highlands. The Building Assessment Questionnaire is designed to assist local governments in analyzing their project options and assuring that the most energy efficient and cost effective activities are selected. The questionnaire is not a required part of the EE&CBG application and if a local government is certain of its project, the questionnaire is not needed to complete the application. Because of the great demand for WVU IAC assistance, DOE is only encouraging local governments that are still determining their energy project priorities to use the checklist. Please contact me if you have questions.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Notification of Funding Available

The Region 8 PDC has released a Notice of Funding Available (NOFA) for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. The PDC distributed the NOFA to all eligible local governments in West Virginia's Potomac Highlands on April 1. The NOFA provides the official notice that the PDC will accept applications for grant assistance until June 30, 2010. The PDC hopes that the NOFA will spur interest in the program by local governments needing to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. You can obtain the NOFA at:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Conference Call Agenda - April 6

Please check back before the conference call for the most recent agenda.

Region 8 PDC
April 6, 2010

Purpose of Call


Next Call

General Questions

EE&CBG Application

Historic Preservation Checklist

Building Assessment Questionnaire

Web Sites


Potential Projects

Next Steps

Wrap Up