Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Proposed Evaluation System

The Region 8 PDC is seeking comments on a proposed evaluation system for EE&CBG projects. You may obtain a copy of the rating system at: http://regioneight.org/documents/Project_Evaluation_MS.doc The PDC is providing this information to give applicants some idea of the rating system that the PDC will use to evaluate projects. Hopefully, the information will allow local governments to better shape their projects. The rating system is far from cast in stone and your comments, suggestions, and alternatives will help the Council better shape the final rating system. Prompt attention to the rating system is urged as the Council hopes to release the final rating system in early June.

Lighting Projects Now Eligible

The West Virginia Division of Energy has determined that lighting projects are eligible Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant projects. While Courthouse and City Hall projects remain the EE&CBG program's priority, local government lighting projects may seek funding provided that:

The local government applicant owns the existing lighting system.

The new lighting is more efficient that the existing lighting. The application must document the energy savings for the new lighting.

EE&CBG funds are used to pay for the actual cost of lighting and related labor. Costs related to light poles and related labor are not eligible for EE&CBG funding.

Please contact me if you have any questions or interest in pursuing funding for a lighting project. You may reach me at (304)813-7619 outside of my normal office hours.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Window Issues

Significant issues have developed in obtaining favorable SHPO comments for projects that include window replacement in buildings eligible for historic preservation. The SHPO and WV DOE have developed a protocol for handling the more difficult window replacement projects. However, this will add nonproductive cost to the project and creates a certain level of uncertainty. WV DOE has suggested that applicants consider avoiding window replacement in buildings of interest to the SHPO or consider window treatments more acceptable to SHPO. Please contact the PDC if you need additional information.

EE&CBG Update

A little more than six weeks remain before the deadline for submission of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant applications to the Region 8 PDC. Local governments planning to seek funds should have identified a project and be in the process of obtaining cost estimates and technical data. The Regional Council is available to help local governments prepare applications. Please contact Ken Dyche, kdyche@regioneight.org (304)257-1221 or (304)813-7619, immediately if you need assistance.

The WV Division of Energy (DOE) has slightly modified the EE&CBG program to allow it and the regional councils to accelerate the award of grants. This is especially good news to those concerned about potentially losing all of the 2010 construction season. While June 30 remains the deadline for submission of applications, PDCs may submit projects to the WV DOE before that date. DOE has indicated that it will accelerate its review. The Region 8 PDC encourages the early submission of applications to it as this will allow it to accelerate the submission of a project package to WV DOE.

Review by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) remains a critical element in the EE&CBG program. While the PDC will accept an application without SHPO comments if it has been submitted for SHPO review, the PDC cannot forward an application to the WV DOE for funding consideration without favorable SHPO comments. The ability to accelerate grant awards and project construction will make it very difficult, if not impossible, for the PDC to hold its entire project package for one or two projects that lack SHPO comments. Obviously, if you have not requested comments, it is now time to seek SHPO comments. The PDC can assist with obtaining comments.